Monday, December 19, 2011


March 2011,

I took possession of a house in hamilton with the intention of relieving my financial woes as an artist. I found that the housing market in hamilton had character, affordability and a thriving art community. The community itself is comprised of many neighbourhoods and ideals, I would be an artist in the midst of a disabled pensioner popluation.

The house itself is in an area described as mixed population with the majority of families either being very young or very late.

They are very neigbourly, those closests to where I live. They keep pets with them and try hard to keep their areas clean, tidy and vermin free. communities from outside of hamilton spend a lot of time complaining or comparing them to theirs. They need to live here to understand it better, until then they are tourists.

The house was gutted. no toilet, no kitchen, no gas, heating, water or lectric. I built it all from scratch with help where I could get it. Ive made all the decisions. the process was no minor feat as there were various beaurecratic obstacles in the way, for instance no bank mortgages for houses in that kind of condition.

What you will see when you go through these pages are pictures in no particular order. Just collated as I find them and post them. the newer pictures will be obvious as will the old.

Thanks for looking. P.

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